Registration Benefits
- Access your dog's Service Dog Credentials
- ● Access to our 24/7 Helpdesk
- ● Assistance with Filling Out Paperwork
- ● Get Alerts on Service Dog Travel Policies/COVID-19 Travel Restrictions to Service Dogs
24/7 Assistance Helpdesk
Is the airport giving you issues? Is a venue refusing you entrance because of your service dog? Let us handle it for you!
Service Dog Identification
Please provide the service dog’s name, the name of the handler, address and a photo of the service dog (note: the information entered below must be exactly as you want them to appear on the ID card).

Registration Benefits
- Access your dog's Emotionl Support Animal Credentials
- ● Access to our 24/7 Helpdesk
- ● Get Alerts on the Latest ESA Rules
- ● Free Psychiatric Service Dog Consultation
24/7 Assistance Helpdesk
Do you have to give up your pets because of the housing situation? Let us handle it for you!
Emotional Support Animal Identification
Please provide the ESA Animal’s name, the name of the handler, address and a photo of the ESA Animal (note: the information entered below must be exactly as you want them to appear on the ID card).

Registration Benefits
- Access your dog's Therapy Dog Credentials
- ● Access to our 24/7 Helpdesk
- ● Get Alerts on the Therapy Dog News
- ● Free Therapy Dog Consultation
24/7 Assistance Helpdesk
Do you have problems of therapy dog team visits? Let us handle it for you!
Therapy Dog Identification
Please provide the Therapy dog’s name, the name of the handler, address and a photo of the therapy dog (note: the information entered below must be exactly as you want them to appear on the ID card).