
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A service dog is a type of assistance dog specifically trained to help people who have disabilities, such as visual impairment, hearing impairments, mental disorders (such as post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attach and anxiety disorder), seizures, mobility impairment, and diabetes.

Desirable character traits in service animals typically include good temperament or psychological make-up (including bendability and trainability) and good health (including physical structure and stamina). Some service dogs are bred and trained by service dog organizations, while others are bred by breeders, and trained by private trainers or even the individuals with disabilities who will someday become their partners.

Although dogs of almost any breed or mix of breeds may be capable of becoming a service dog, very few dogs have the requisite health and temperament qualities. Such a dog may be called a "service dog" or an "assistance dog", the terminology typically varying by country or region.

If you have a mental or physical disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities then you are entitled to a service dog or an assistance dog that performs tasks for you. No person or business is ever allowed to ask about your disability, require medical documentation by law.

The need for Service Dogs has increased dramatically over the last few years. These service animals provide people with an increased quality of life through their assistance in your day-to-day activities. By properly identifying your service dog, you will be assured that your canine-helper can accompany you whenever and wherever you may wish to go. A handler is protected under Federal law and cannot be charge any fee for an accompanying Service Dog, at any time and in all circumstances under Federal Law ie. pet rent at apartments, air fair, hotel fees etc. Our goal is to provide you with the all of the necessary tools to properly identify your canine as a Service Dog in all circumstances without any issues, along with 24hr. verification and Service Dog Law expertise.

Service Dogs Vs. Emotional Support Dogs

The difference between an Emotional Support Dog and a Service Dog is training. Has the dog been trained to perform a specific task or job directly related to the person’s disability? For example, alerting a hearing-impaired person to an alarm or guiding a visually impaired person around an obstacle are jobs performed by service dogs. Some dogs perform naturally, and one can learn to recognize it and modify it through training if needed. Per Federal Law no one can ask you to make your Service Dog perform on call and depending on your State Law a Service Dog in training receives all the privileges as one that is a fully trained Service Dog.

How do airlines determine whether an animal is a service animal or a pet? Airlines can determine whether an animal is a service animal or pet by:
• The credible verbal assurances of an individual with a disability using the animal;
• Looking for physical indicators such as the presence of a harness or tags;
• Requiring documentation for psychiatric support animals and emotional support animals;
• Observing the behavior of animals.

The Equality Act 2010 Law Business and organizations that serve the public must allow people with disabilities to bring their service animals into all areas of the facility where customers are normally allowed to go. The Equality Act 2010 laws apply to all businesses open to the public. The The Equality Act 2010 defines a service animal as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. If that meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under The Equality Act 2010 regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by state of local government.

For questions concerning Service or Assistance Animals, please visit

The first step is to assess if the person is aware of service dog rules and regulations.

A). If they are aware of service dog rights, simply inform them that you are traveling with a certified service dog, and confirm the task your service dog provides. Thank them for asking politely and proceed with your day.

B). If they are not aware, show them your service dog certification or license. Inform them that your dog is a trained service dog and has public access rights. Let them know that your dog will not interrupt business practices and will remain by your side, as permitted by federal law.

C). If they remain hostile towards your service dog and deny you access, refer them to Service Dog Certifications for more information on service dog laws. Let them know that they are violating your rights and are openly discriminating against your disability by preventing you access. Ask them to speak to their manager and stay firm but calm and polite. By staying firm and helping them understand service dog rights, you are helping other service dog handlers avoid negative confrontations in the future.

Taking the step to adopt and train a service dog is tough work. The bond a handler and a service dog develops is one of the deepest and most meaningful relationships that exist.

A challenge many service dog handlers face is how to travel and enter public spaces with their service dog. Especially at places with a no-pet policy. Restaurants, hotels, and airports are typically better informed about service dog laws. However, places like the beach, movie theaters, and schools are less informed about service dog rights. It also brings up specific questions that may be hard to answer. 1). Is my service dog required to wear a vest?

2). What if my service dog is denied access? The most important step is to understand service dog laws clearly. We have included a few tips on how to handle and work with hostile employees who are aggressive or ignorant about your service dog.

A). A convenient way to avoid this issue is to order a service dog vest for your service dog. This will help communicate visually that your dog is not a pet and is a trained service dog. This may help eliminate some verbal confrontations as there is a visual indicator that your dog is a service dog. This is particularly helpful for people suffering from PTSD, social anxiety, or any invisible disabilities.

B). If you choose not to have your service dog wear a service dog vest, that is your legal right. Some people choose not to have their service dog wear a vest because it is uncomfortable for the dog and distracts them from performing their task. Others choose not to have their service dog wear a vest because they are not comfortable with broadcasting that they have a disability. Remember, not all disabilities are visible and no one should be judged for trying to improve their lives. If the person you are speaking to demands that your dog wears a service dog vest, inform them that you choose not to have your service dog wear a vest but that you have your service dog certification or identification to share with them.

C). If they continue to insist that your service dog wear a vest, inform them that the ADA does not require your service dog wear a vest and even specifically prevents companies from requiring this. Ask the person to speak with their manager or refer to service dog rights on Service Dog Certifications.

– Your service dog needs to be in your control at all times and cannot bark or cause a disturbance in public. However, the ADA also specifically states that a service dog may respond by barking if provoked and is not deemed a disturbance if the barking was provoked. If this is happening to you, inform a store employee that your service dog is being harassed and request they assist you. Examples of provoking include:

– Aggressively staring at your dog

– Touching your service dog without permission

– Whistling and talking at your dog in a menacing way

No one is ever allowed to ask you specifically about your disability. They may only ask you two questions regarding your Service Dog.

– Is that a service dog (if you choose not to have your SD wear a vest)?

– What service(s) does your service dog provide?

* They may not ask you to demonstrate your dog’s service

You are not legally required to have a Service Dog Licensed, Registered, or Certified. Many handlers prefer to carry one to avoid harassment while out in public. Unfortunately, service dog rights are not common knowledge and people often assume your dog is NOT a service dog unless you carry a Service Dog identification card. You may choose to order one and register your service dog to avoid confrontations with ignorant store employees.

If you have an psychological or emotional condition, and your dog can provide you comfort and support, then you could qualify to have an emotional support dog.

You need speak with a psychological therapist or a mental health professional and find out if you are qualify. Any dog breed can be qualify as an emotional support dog.

How do I get an ESA letter?

You can get an ESA letter after you are qualified by a mental health professional. At, we DON’T provide ESA Letters. We only help you to register your Emotional support dog or Service Dog, and certify your registration. There are a few websites where you can buy an ESA letter, most of them are scams.

Yes, because of the Fair Housing Act. A person who is prescribed an ESA must be offered reasonable accommodations. There are very few exceptions to this rule. The certificate also allows you to bypass breed and size restrictions, and not be forced to pay additional rent and/or pet security deposits. Being said, owners are still responsible for the behavior of their animals. An ESA Certificate does not allow you to bypass responsibility for damages caused by the animal.